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Eat More Raw!
October 25, 2013

Halloween and Immune System

It is one of my favorite times of the in Colorado the aspen leaves are turning hues of gold and red. Last weekend I took a drive up to the mountains to see the colors. It was so picturesque.

The celebration of the fall harvest has been everywhere. Our local farmers markets are closing for the season. So I have been stocking up on fruits and vegetables to freeze or dry for delicious healthy snacks in the winter.

A few weeks ago I drove up to Paonia for a Harvest festival. On the way I saw rose hips in abundance so the next week I made a trip up to the mountains to collect rosehips to dehydrate and store for vitamin C this winter. For more information on rose hips you can go to this page on my blog.

I always notice the halloween candy lining the aisles of the grocery store in October. No wonder those winter colds start hitting us this time of year! Candy affects the efficiency of our immune system and prevents it from fighting off the cold and flu germs.

Instead of picking up candy, I walk straight to the produce aisle. I know I am fueling my body with the medicine of healthy food instead of giving my body sugary junko.

Here are some tips for quick cleaning and healthier eating to avoid those sneaky germs:

- I am not a fan of heavy chemical cleaners. You can make a good cleaner with vinegar and water and add several drops of essential oil of citrus, Thieves oil, or lavendar oil, as these oils are antiseptic.

- Have a few of the vinegar and essential oils in small spray bottles to keep in the car and around the house. Spray heavily used items regularly and reinforce good hand washing.

- Make a point of making smoothies and put in lots of healthy ingredients which give your body essential vitamins and minerals. Here is a link to some recipes

- Stock up on greens, citrus, apples, cruiciferous vegetables, and green tea

- Keep on hand some vitamins such as zinc, Vitamin D, EmergenC packets and astragalus.

The kiddos are going to be exposed to a lot of candy at school and friends, so try to offer them healthier alternatives at home and in their lunches.

Enjoy the beauty of fall and stay well,


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