Raw Food and a Healthier Me!

by LyndaW
(Grand Junction, CO)

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed many years before with IBS and advanced spinal degenerative arthritis. I had been living in pain but suddenly it was impacting even my ability to work. I refused to use pain medications, and was in a struggle to find some sort of relief and balance to live my life as much as I could. Prior to the diagnoses I was heavily active, rockclimbing the big walls of Yosemite and desert cracks of the Canyonlands, running half marathons, kayaking, backpacking and living life with vigor.

I felt stuck and in pain. I met Rhonda, and through our friendship and her gentle coaching I started adding raw foods into my diet. I then decided to do a week-long raw food diet. I was amazed how much better I felt! My IBS was gone. I decided to commit to a 50-80% raw diet. It has been an easy thing to do. I found that I prefer raw over other foods and can tell immediately in the way I feel if I "slip" and eat processed foods.

I have been doing this for three months now, and have noticed that my pain has reduced dramatically, my recovery time after climbing is normal (instead of a week or weeks of pain), and I am considering going back to work fulltime!

Eating raw foods is now a lifestyle for me. I am healthier, happier, and feel so much better. I recently got a juicer and a vitamix and LOVE my green smoothies every day. I am trying to gently "coach" my family and friends to "pay it forward" the with the kindness that I received from Rhonda!

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Jul 01, 2013
A Healthier You!
by: Rhonda


Thank you so much for sharing your raw food journey here on this page. When I had met you a couple of years ago and saw the pain and food issues that you were dealing with daily, I just felt such compassion for you.

I know the suggestion to change some things sounded strange, but you were at the point to do anything and you checked out some books and did the research and you made the effort to try a week of raw foods. I remember you telling me that you were not feeling in pain that week, and you also shared that you were becoming much more active as you were not feeling the body aches as you were use to living with.

What a testimony as I know you personally and it brings me great joy to see the benefits of adding in more raw foods to your daily life.

Congratulations on buying a Vitamix as I know you bought another blender that was not doing the job in blending up the greens.

You are an inspiration to me to know that we we eat has a cause and effect.

A Big Hooya to you girl!


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