You can make raw ice cream treats that will delight
the most finicky eaters.
It is easy to know how to make ice cream for your raw foods diet. I call it raw ice cream. Like just about any raw food, ice cream can be very good for you – if you use the healthier ingredients. As with anything on the raw foods diet, ice cream made with nut milks is a nutritious and guilt-free yummy treat.
This is a basic recipe for how to make ice cream for raw foodists.
Use this general recipe to experiment for ice cream in the raw any way
you like.
You can also replace the milk with kefir, to get all of the health benefits of kefir.
Yield: approximately 1.5 quarts of ice cream
3 cups coconut milk or other nut milks
6 Medjool dates or 1/2 cup of agave syrup or raw honey
1 Tbsp raw coconut butter
1 tsp real vanilla extract
1. Blend all of the ingredients together until the sugar or dates are well blended.
2. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
3. Transfer cold mixture to ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's directions.
Chocolate: Add 1/4 cup raw carob powder or raw cocoa powder.
Maple Walnut: Replace sugar with 1/2 cup pure maple syrup and add ½ cup chopped walnuts (or almonds).
Fruit: Reduce milk by 1 one cup and add 3 cups mixed frozen fruits and/or berries pureed first.
This version of raw ice cream has no sugar, no artificial sweeteners and no dairy products. However, it does have a whopping amount of nutrients and is a delicious, guilt-free treat that you can make and enjoy. Here is the very basic recipe with some variations. Feel free to experiment.
No Sugar Banana Raw Ice Cream
6-8 ripe bananas peeled and sliced.
Freeze the banana slices preferably in a single layer for at least 12 hours. Then, using a food processor or heavy duty blender, processes the banana slices until white and fluffy. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!
-Stir in finely chopped apple or pineapple pieces or cherries
-Stir in your favorite nuts (I recommend pecans, walnuts and/or almonds)
-Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon
-Puree fresh or frozen strawberries with raw sugar, agave or maple syrup and use as a topping
Chocolate Almond Ice Cream in a Blender
Contributed by Mike of Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Put in a powerful blender along with a handful or two of raw almonds.
Add enough water to cover a few inches over the nuts.
Add two heaping tablespoons of carob powder.
Add a couple of tablespoons of natural sugar or raw honey.
Blend at high speed until a thick chocolate syrup consistency.
Add 4 or 5 frozen banana into the blender and use the plunger to push them into the blades until you have a nice blended ice cream.
Chocolate Ice Cream
1 cup cashews or 1 Tablespoon cashew butter
1pint water
8 medjool dates or 4 Tablespoons maple syrup
2 Tablespoons raw cacao
Blend until smooth-then freeze or transfer to ice cream maker.
More Raw Non Dairy Pages:
How to Make Kefir
Health Benefits of Kefir
How Is Yogurt Made
Homemade Egg Nog
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